

Anthony Williams – Constructing Hope Graduate Winter 2020

As a single father of two, I was looking for an opportunity to find a career that would support my family. Prior to enrolling in Constructing Hope, I was working hard, but wasn’t making a living wage.  I started out at $13.50/hour, and after 3 years with the same company had only received a $.50/hour raise. Constructing Hope gave me an opportunity to actually have a chance at grasping [...]

September 1st, 2020|Categories: CH News, Stories of Hope|

Matthew Sims – Winter 2019 Constructing Hope Graduate

I have been working in the trades since graduating from Constructing Hope in March, 2019. Upon graduation, I immediately took a temporary job working with Brand Safeway at their Vancouver shop. I got this position through Lisa with True Blue, who gave a presentation at Constructing Hope. I made $20/hr for four weeks before landing a carpenter job with Colas Structures. I have CH to thank for this [...]

August 14th, 2020|Categories: CH News, Stories of Hope|Tags: , , |

Leveling the Playing Field Campaign

Our community truly came together to Level the Playing Field in the construction industry. Thanks to donors like you, our Construction Match Sponsors and Constructing Hope Champion, Dave Dahl, together we raised more than $255,000 and counting!  We are committed to #LevelingThePlayingField for the long-term and still accepting donations. Make yours today! DONATE NOW

July 24th, 2020|Categories: CH News|Tags: , , , |

Constructing Hope and the Portland Jewish Community

From Michael Brown to George Floyd to the unrest in downtown Portland, race has become an ever more visible issue. Fortunately, here in The Rose City, we have a gem that has been creating career paths in the construction industry for the formerly incarcerated, who are disproportionately people of color. Read full story View PDF

July 22nd, 2020|Categories: CH News, Media|Tags: , , , |

‘Constructing Hope’ helps those just getting out of prison

'Constructing Hope' rebuilds the lives of people who get out of prison with jobs in construction. Dave Dahl, the ex-con who started Dave's Killer Bread, recently gave them a huge donation. One man says  'Constructing Hope' has completely changed his life. Byron Walker was incarcerated when he was 16 for five years. After serving time, he worked a few warehouse jobs. Read more

July 20th, 2020|Categories: CH News, Media|Tags: , |
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